Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Days

Quiet, lazy, windy, sunny summer days. I love them. And today is one of them. There hasnt been much happening recently. Its been very quiet. N. & J. floated the Bitterroot River on the weekend with a friend. They had a great time floating and fishing.

I'm getting super excited about N. & mine trip to Boise this coming weekend. We are traveling to see Adam Lambert!! He is playing at the Morrison Center. This will be so much fun! I'm already making mental notes of what I have to take. The list is long for an Adam Lambert concert. Glitter and more glitter for starters.  :)
We are driving over the Sawtooth Mountain range. What a beautiful trip it will be. That is one of the most gorgeous drives in America!

Things are moving along on the "exciting news" front. I just cant post about it yet but as soon as I can I WILL!!

Have a great summer day!

Signing off....T.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Its a peaceful day today here. At least inside.
Outside it is a hail storm. 
Saturday N. & I  took a hike. Have I mentioned yet our recent hiking endeavors? Maybe not.... Well, for my sons' birthday we got him us a hiking book of day trips around our area. We took the first one which was the Willoughby Trail. It was 1 mile. We werent prepared... LOL. Well, we made it but we were both tired. Although maybe mowing the lawn beforehand had something to do with that. Anyways, it was a great hike. We saw many different types of settings. Beautiful. So fast forward to last Saturday. We decided to take the Big Creek trail. This was 14 miles roundtrip to a lake. We tried for the first landmark which was a bridge at 1.3 miles and we never did get that far. We were deep into the woods and we kept thinking that however far we go in is how far we have to come back. LOL. It was fantastically beautiful. The path followed a river the whole way. We did have bear pepper spray with us as we totally respect those animals. To say the least. That is the only reason we ventured as far as we did. There were many hikers up the trail according to the parking lot so that also helped. I was anxious and nervous the whole hike. Bears are not my cup of tea and I was so afraid the whole time. I kept scaring the hell out of N . because every so often I would scream really loud and clap a whole bunch of times. It would startle him everytime as it is so quiet out there. But I felt we needed to make noise as to not surprise any animals. There were hikers galore. Two young men passed us going quickly to get there before dark. A family of 5 passed us coming down. It was a great hike. There are many more in the book and I will try to post about them. Here are a couple photos.

Signing off...T.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunshine Today

Finally a day with some sunshine! Its been way too long. Some good news on the "big news" front. A major obstacle was taken care of yesterday. A certain company came out of bankruptcy and is now able to move forward on some plans. This is a major step that we have been waiting for to get the "big news" moving ahead. It wont be final until June 30, 2010. But that is a huge obstacle that has been taken care of. I sure hope we can get this show on the road so to speak!

Tonight Adam Lambert plays at the Nokia Theatre in New York! What an honor! People have been lined up for 24 hours for the GA seating. Tonights show and tomorrow nights' show sold out in minutes. Its going to be a great concert these two nights as there will be lots of press there. There has been a moratorium on the press as Adam asked them to wait until he has the wrinkles ironed out before they critique the concert. Well, starting tonight the moratorium is lifted and I believe there will be loads of press from here on out.

Also, on the Adam Lambert news front, he won a Much Music Video Award for "Your Favorite International Video" for his video "Whataya Want From Me". That is so cool! He beat out Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, and a few others. Here is his performance on the MMVA's.
Here is Adam accepting his award! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM02dtDJ_n0

Signing off...T.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Busy Weekend

Wow. Well, it has been a busy weekend and week so far. Saturday, we went to Idaho to visit my dad and his wife and also N.'s parents. It was a very nice time with all of them. It is hard to visit sometimes as N.'s mom has Alzheimers and it is progressing. Each time we go to visit it seems a little more difficult to carry on a conversation. But that is life.

I was wrong! Adam Lambert's "If I Had You" video did not come out on Friday. It came out yesterday and it is fantastic!! So amazing. The coloring, costumes, singing, and many of Adams' friends are in the video. It is a nice uplifting, fun song and video.  http://www.vh1.com/video/adam-lambert/527678/if-i-had-you.jhtml#fbid=xpqu5WLwxjr&id=1545665 .  Check it out!

Looks like some good news concerning the huge news I alluded to earlier. Things are rolling along now. The deal may be done real soon. But not soon enough. So many people needing jobs. I hope it works out and SOON! If everything works out I will share what is going on. But not until then.  I would not want to jinx anything. 

N. & I have been trying to enjoy our outdoor surroundings more. We have been doing a little hiking and Sunday we decided to check out a place we had not been before. I will look up the name and post it as I have forgotten what it is called. It is a 1 mile hike but oh so pretty through ponderosa pine forests, meadows, and gullys. Was a great hike that left both of us tired and hot and thirsty. Oh we also brought a little friend home with us.  A TICK! LOL.  He is now living somewhere out in our front yard.
Last night we hiked the Lee Metcalf Wildlife Refuge. Oh what a beautiful place. Love it. So many things to see and photograph.

Signing off....T.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rain & Rainbows

Rain here today. But I dont mind the rain. I actually sort of like it. Im hoping there will be a rainbow today. Its the perfect "storm" for one. Dark grey clouds with the sun poking through & drizzly rain.
N. & I decided to hold off on listing our home for sale. Decided to wait for a bit to see what happens.

I havent mentioned yet in this blog that I started, the most interesting topic of what my husband does for a living. I cant say as I want to keep this semi-anonymous. But I will say he has some really big plans going on. They have been in the works for approx. 18 m. It involves the "uber-rich" according to N. I even now hesitate to type this as it is HUGE. I know much about it. It involves many different businesses coming together in a special way and providing employment for many people. Thats all I will say for now. Fingers crossed it will work out.

OH. I almost forget. The MOST exciting news. June 11th, Adam Lamberts' music video for his new single, "If I Had You", comes out!! This is so exciting! Its a party in the woods according to Adam. Bringing diverse people together. No matter what your age, sexuality, color, religion, we can all come together and have a good time. I do agree we need more coming together and accepting people who are different that we are. So I cant wait for Friday.  :)
Ive been listening to the Glam Nation Tour most nights on  my computer via ustream. Some kind glambert will usually do a livestream for the rest of us. So sweet!

Well, thats all for now. Having tacos for dinner. Yum!


Thursday, June 3, 2010

A New Day

Im sitting here looking out of my dining room window at the wonderful birds that frequent our back yard. We live on the edge of a wildlife refuge which means we get many different sorts of birds and fowl in our backyard. Magpies, red-winged black birds, pelicans, robins, herons, bald-eagles, golden eagles, owls, foxes, deer, cows, and many other birds that I dont know the name of.

Im so excited. I have not mentioned yet my love for Adam Lambert and his wonderful music. Tomorrow he starts his Glam Nation Tour in PA. N & I have tickets to see him in Boise in July. I cant wait! :) 

Today I called a real estate agent to put our house on the market to sell. I have mixed feelings on this as we have been struggling financially for a few months. We need to get out from under our mortgage. It is burying us. Also, our home is just too large for us. We need to downsize and it has become apparent that now is the time to make it happen. But, there are things I will miss here. The #1 thing is the beautiful view I am looking at right now with the fields and animals right behind our house. The immense joy and pleasure that our family has gotten from the beautiful animals and birds will be so missed. We will just have to find a way to fill that void with frequent trips to the wildlife refuge. We do not have an idea of where we want to live or what sort of home. Things to be worked out in good time.

Signing off...T.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Well, here we are. I mean here I am. If you are reading this I guess it is now "we".  I have been wanting to put my life in print for a while now as so many interesting and amazing things have happened to me. At least I see them as interesting and amazing.  I dont know how this is going to go but I am going to give it a try. I will always be honest in my blog. However, for certain reasons, names may be changed to protect the innocent. And the guilty.

My life has many different sides to it. I am married and have been for 31 years. I have 3 wonderful grown sons, none of whom are married. My husband and I own a business. We are avid Montana Grizzly fans. Mostly football as my husband and youngest son "J" played football in high school.  I have learned to love football and even now I consider myself somewhat knowledgeable in the basics. My husband "N" and I are trying to enjoy the wonderful outdoors that we have at our doorstep. We live in a beautiful area of Montana. A small town. We can drive 20 minutes in any direction and literally be in a wilderness area.

I have so many things to write down, that my head and thoughts are a mess. Some of what I write, you may not believe to be true. But thats OK. Im only here for me. So if you find any of what I say to be outrageous or hard to believe, well, join the group.  :)